Häring Innovation Forum

High-caliber speakers, interesting topics, stimulating discussions and exciting exchanges of ideas at the get-together following the lectures: The Häring Innovation Forum in Bubsheim has been a value-adding lecture series featuring experts from the worlds of politics, the economy and science. The events are held at the Häring Academy and the ANTONIS company restaurant – and they are not just interesting to those associated with the family business: The Häring Innovation Forum is a particularly attractive forum to which the regional public as well as guests from the fields of politics and business are invited.

Events of the forum


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Previous speakers and topics



Christian Thönes<br/> Chairman of the Board of DMG MORI Corp.

Mobility of the Future

Dr. Rolf Bulander
Managing Director, Robert Bosch GmbH

2016 Global Economic Outlook

Dr. Thomas Hueck
Chief economist at Robert Bosch GmbH

The importance of solar energy for the energy transition

Prof. Dr. Eicke Weber
Former head of the Frauenhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE) and former professor for physics/solar energy at the University of Freiburg.  

How do we save our sons?

The performance crisis of boys and what we can do about it

Prof. Dr. Christian Pfeiffer
Former director of the Kriminologischen Forschungsinstituts Niedersachsen e.V. (Criminological Research Institute of Lower Saxony)

Competitiveness in Germany

Franz Fehrenbach
Chairman of the Board at Robert Bosch GmbH

On behalf of the future

What connects successful innovators

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Prof. E.h. mult. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans-Jörg Bullinger
President of the Frauenhofer Society

Deutsche Bahn AG –

Current challenges and perspectives

Dr. Rüdiger Grube
Chairman of the Board of Deutsche Bahn AG, Chairman of the Board of DB Mobility Logistics AG

Europe's challenges

Economy, currency, energy

Günther Oettinger
EU Commissioner for Budget and Human Resources, former Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg


Germany's foreign trade offensive

Taking advantage of opportunities – across the globe

Michael Pfeiffer
CEO Germany Trade & Invest


Summer reception

Stefan Mappus
Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg

Financial crisis – economic crisis – political crisis?

Gerhard Stratthaus
Former Minister of Finance of Baden-Württemberg

The financial market crisis

Consequences for the banking industry and its customers

Heinrich Haasis
President of the German Association of Savings Banks

Reduction of excess capacities in the automotive sector

In which companies and how quickly? 

Prof. Dr. Norbert Walter
Chief Economist of Deutsche Bank

Round table of companies from the Heuberg region

Ernst Pfisterer
Former Economy Minister of Baden-Württemberg

Ernst Burgbacher
Parliamentary Undersecretary in the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, vice chairman of the FDP in Baden-Württemberg

What Germany needs now

Dr. Guido Westerwelle
Minister of Foreign Affairs

The ten commandments for managers

Practical tips for establishing corporate ethics

Dr. Dr. Hermann-Josef Zoche
Augustinian monk, philosopher and management consultant

Germany ahead of a re-industrialization

Prof. Dr. Michael Hüther
German economist, Director of the German Economic Institute

Steel moves the world

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Ameling
Chairman of the Association of the Friends of the Technical University in Clausthal

More freedom for the middle class

Rainer Brüderle
Minister of Economics and Technology

Globalization, technical progress, location competition

Has national economic policy come to an end?

Prof. Dr. h.c. Lothar Späth
Former Prime Minister

Securing the boom

Advancing reforms

Prof. em. Dr. Wolfgang Wiegard
Professor for Economics at the University of Regensburg, Emeritus Professor for Economics at the University of Regensburg

Background, ideas, concepts

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Anders
University of Tuttlingen, Industrial Technologies faculty, Founding Dean of Industrial Technologies

Future, Germany

Prof. Dr. Roman Herzog
Former German President, Former Minister of Education and of the Interior

Can Germany be saved?

Prof. Dr. Dr. Hans-Werner Sinn
Council Member at the Ministry of Economics and Energy, President of the ifo Institute for Economic Research


The deciding factor to be competitive in the future

Dr. Werner Kreuz
National and international corporate consultant, primarily in the areas of the chemical, oil and steel industries as well as engineering and mechanical and plant engineering

The business location Germany

Challenges for people, companies and politics

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Franz Josef Redermacher
Head of the research institute for applied processing of knowledge in Ulm, Chairman and C4 Professor for databases and artificial intelligence at the University of Ulm

Development in the area of fine machining

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Taghi Tawakoli
Head of the Steinbeis Transfer Center for Advanced Engineering Technology in Freiburg

CDU morning round table

Franz Schuhmacher
Member of Parliament of Baden-Württemberg

The middle class in times of structural changes and globalization

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Johann Löhn
Honorary curator and former Chairman of the Board of the Steinbeis Foundation, former government delegate for technology transfer

Secret of success: Management culture

Prof. Dr. h.c. mult. Reinhold Würth
Chairman of the Foundation Board of the Worth Group, former professor emeritus at the Interfacultative Institute for Entrepreneurship at the TH Karlsruhe

Perspective Germany

Which economic policy do we need?

Prof. Dr. h.c. Lothar Späth
Former Prime Minister

The world of work is changing

Consequences for companies and employees

Prof. Dr. Jutta Rump
Director of the Institute for Employment and Employability IBE in Ludwigshafen

Success strategies for the middle class

Designing the future with courage and confidence

Dieter Lutz
Founder of ERC Lutz Business Coaching AG, Auditor & Lawyer, specialist lawyer for tax law, management coach

Work-life balance:

Performance - self-management - quality of life 

Univ.-Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. med. Michael Kastner
CEO of Kastner Partner KPC Consulting for Personnel and Organizational Development

Häring Family Day, Häring Future Day and many more …

Events for the Häring team and young people looking for apprenticeships.

On a regular basis, Anton Häring KG holds events for its employees and their families – for example the Häring Family Day, which is held periodically. It is a type of an "open house" that allows family members and friends to get a firsthand look at a workday at Häring, to try out new technologies such as virtual reality and to check out exciting attractions while enjoying music, food and beverages.

School classes are also provided the opportunity to visit the company premises, discover training opportunities and experience firsthand what "Mobility of the Future" means – for example on the Häring Future Day.

You can find information on current events in our corporate news section as well as the news section of our career portal.

Events of INTER-ETS

Interest Group Erwin-Teufel-Schule e. V. (INTER-ETS) aims to support the training of young talents at the vocational schools in Spaichingen in a variety of ways. This also includes the interconnectedness between education and business and using donations to optimize the technical equipment for the education of future skilled workers.

Häring has been running INTER-ETS since 1990 and, in this context, also offers periodic theme nights.

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Events of the "Häring InForm"

Science-based information can also be entertaining – and provide additional quality of life: True to that motto, Häring provides its employees with expert knowledge on the topics of proper nutrition and living healthily.

The knowledge is imparted by the Anton Häring Academy in Bubsheim – among others by fitness trainers, health scientists and nutritionists. The subsequent discussions round out the event.